New to Spandex? Keep your catsuit looking stellar with these vital top tips.
The Honeymoon Period
For many of you, this may be the first time you’ve lovingly held spandex in your arms. You may have been admiring it from a distance, staring longingly into it’s metallic panels, enthralled by it’s symmetrical patterns… but now, your relationship has blossomed into something beautiful, something real! And as with every relationship, it needs the correct maintenance to keep it going strong.
A Place of Its Own
Now that you’ll be living together, you’ve got to give your spandex a place to hang. Personification aside, spandex will keep its shape much better when hung from a coat hanger, not squashed into a drawer, where it might get stretched or twisted when mixed up with other clothing. This is especially important if your clothing has any metallic panels, as these can weld together in close quarters and will lose their shine because of this.
So Fresh So Clean
When you’re in your spandex, you want it to make you feel amazing. And it will - for many moons! As long as you follow a few simple rules when it’s time for a wash:
- Use cold or tepid water ONLY - Never use hot water as this will reduce the vividity of the colours and the shine of any metallic panels.
- Hand wash only - This will reduce any stretching of the fabric that your washing machine may unwittingly commit, which can cause your outfit to lose its shape.
- If you absolutely can’t manage a hand wash, put your clothing into a pillowcase or mesh laundry bag and put it in the washing machine on a cool cycle - or a hand wash cycle if that’s an option.
- Never use chlorine bleach - this will destroy the fabric of your outfit. (Which does mean that any stains will be gone as well, but we feel there are better methods that also conveniently leave your clothes intact.)
- Stain removal - our recommended method is to tackle that stain straight away! Soak the stained fabric in cold or tepid water (avoid hot water as this will set the stain). Apply a small amount of liquid detergent to the stain and gently rub it in. Just like TLC, your spandex doesn’t want any scrubs, so there’s no need to get aggressive. Once this is done, wash as per the usual instructions.
- Never machine dry - once your spandex is washed, just let it drip dry au naturale. Try to keep it out of the way of direct sunlight or intense heat (so no hanging it on the radiator).
- Put the iron away - Some of you may have the urge to come at your spandex with the old metallic crease flattener, but, if stored correctly, you will find no creases to flatten. Which is great because the fibres will melt if subjected to intense heat.
Attention Please!
Here are a few final important tips and tricks to remember
- Not all Spandex is great for everyday use - Spandex is a very versatile and hard wearing material, but if your clothing contains any metallic or glittery panels, it may not be the best thing to wear it every time you go for a jog, as washing it daily may mean it won’t stay shiny for as long. Any spandex without these panels will support you through thick and thin though, of course.
- You can remove strong smells from your spandex - Spandex is made to make you feel fabulous and free to bust out dem moves wherever you are! But, multiple boogies can leave behind more than just happy memories. Thankfully, resetting the scent of your clothing couldn’t be easier. Simply soak your spandex in a sink of cold water, add a cup of baking soda, and leave to soak overnight. In the morning, let it drip dry, away from direct heat and sunlight.
- Keep away from oily substances. It’s quite difficult to remove oily substances from the metallic panels. It won’t be the end of the world, but if someone’s trying to rub coconut oil on your clothes, just say no.
The jewels of knowledge have been bestowed. Go off into the sunset knowing that you and your spandex will now have the happiest of times together!